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11th Annual Charity Paint Give Away – Finalists

January 21, 2019 / Charity Jobs

First of all, we would like to say thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. It is people like you who help make this all possible. This year was record breaking, with the most nominations submitted. 

During the next two weeks we will be visiting our top three choices and announcing a winner. 

Here are our top three finalists and what people are saying:

The Cridge Centre for the Family — Young Parent Outreach Program

This program provides assistance to young parents who are pregnant or have small children.

They are hoping to have their new space painted create a more welcoming environment.

“The Young Parent Outreach Program is a vital, portable and practical service offered to young parents around the CRD. The program primarily serves vulnerable young families by way of meeting with the parents and children in the community to assist them in accessing programs and services that will facilitate healthy choices and stable housing.”

“It’s a great program that does so much in the community for struggling young parents – support, advocacy, etc. Nicole (program staff) goes over and above to help her clients – she really cares. She has worked from a space that was really cramped and is finally moving to a location where she can expand program services. It would be amazing if that space could be a reflection of the program’s potential.”

“The program is moving into a new space to provide more programming to more young moms. This space is in desperate need of painting to make it more welcoming and usable.”

Cook St. Village Activity Centre

This centre provides a place for people to connect, learn and they provide classes to their members.

While some rooms have had work done there are many more that haven’t been touched in over 20 years.

“We are a busy Activity Centre, serving some 330 members, some of whom depend on us for entertainment, education, friendship, community. We share memories, a library, movies, volunteer Income Tax services, seasonal celebrations, all of which must be accommodated by our staff and extensive volunteer base. Various Grants keep us functioning.”

“Parts of the building have not seen a fresh coat of paint for 20 years: any help with brightening up our centre would be appreciated by our many members and guests.”

“Many of the people who come to CSVAC are 50 and better, everyone is welcome to join the fun. 
During the last 40 years CSVAC have been a successful community centre offering opportunities to contribute to the programs and services that provide opportunities for people to remain active and engaged members of our community”

Girl Guides of Canada (GGC), Southern Vancouver Island Area, Kingswood Camp

The Kingswood camp lodge has been a place for girls to learn about nature and experience the great outdoors.

They are hoping to freshen up their lodge which hasn’t been painted in over 20 years.  

“The inside of the Lodge was last painted about 20 years ago, and because of its high usage, it is definitely in need of new paint! Amazingly dedicated volunteers currently maintain it; however, they can’t keep up with the ongoing needs.

“The inside of the lodge was last painted twenty years ago and, despite biannual work days to maintain the lodge and its surroundings, improvements have focused on other safety issues. Winning the White Knight charity paint give away would help to refresh the kitchen area, which is a big job and the ‘heart’ of the lodge. Thank you for considering this submission and for holding this fabulous charitable event! Well done!”

“This facility is a wonderful place to take our youngest members (Sparks – aged 5 and 6) to experience camping as the lodge is a wonderful facility. The maintenance of this facility is largely done by volunteers and being able to nominate Kingswood camp would really help out the District in giving this well used lodge some much needed love.”

Previous winners include:

2018 Threshold Housing Society
2017 The Mustard Seed Street Church
2016 Pacifica Housing
2015 Goward House
2014 James Bay Community Project
2013 Victoria Brain Injury Society
2012 Bridges for Women Society
2011 Single Parent Resource Center
2010 Cridge Transition House for Women
2009 Macdonald House

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